Thursday, September 25, 2008


First read up on Duke Universtiy and the University is actually giving free Ipods to new Freshmen to start the use of technology and make it advance more. The devices will have a campus calender and the students will be able to download course contents and more. Such as lectures, and a special Duke University website for itunes. This is a one time project to see how it goes so other schools might follow as well

I think Ipods would be a cool thing to have because they are so popular and pretty sure more uses can be used in the future to come. I think its great that they are trying it out and technology is the key to future teaching.

My Presentation

Monday, September 22, 2008

Dr. Alice Christie

Dr. Christie is at the Universtiy of Arizona and has a Phd in educational technology so she is knows all about computers and teaching online and helping other teachers and she also has work shops. She travels across country to do speaches and influence others and tell them guides. She also has a photo gallery and pretty interesting pictures.

I think it would be cool if maybe she came to South and came and talked to the education department and actually Alabama has a good technology. Basically her website is dedicated to teaching and technology to be used for educational purposes.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Random Blogs

First website i visited said NPR: Page Not Found so not sure on that. Second one was wired GQ and said " sorry, we couldn't find the page looking for." I am starting to wonder if this is a message think these are phony websites and we should not trust wikipedia anytime cause anyone can write anything into it and should not be trusted. I personally will not trust or use wi kipedia ever for a researc paper and my professors have told me not to use it as a source I will not use it. It is a really bad source and SHOULD NEVER BE USED AS A SOURCE!!!!

Monday, September 15, 2008

180 days

This is about a professor named Barry Bachenheimer who wonders how much of the 180 days of school year is actually used for teaching. He had a presentation which showed days that would be missed typically and how fast they add up. He had on their first and last days, absentees and tests that would take up days. It ended up going to 120 days.

His argument is very true and strong but what can be done to actually better the days. Students would not like the idea of their summer be shortened and more school. That is not fair at all so what can be done is utilize time, do less tests and more teaching. Testing takes up alot of time and learning time. The school system should allow less absences

Thursday, September 11, 2008

technology illiterate

I agree of most of what he says. It is true that it will be difficult for students of the future that they must have a basic understanding of technology and how to use it. Students who do not will fall behind just like a subject of math or reading. We the teachers must have a complete understanding in what we are teaching so we can answer any questions or problems that may come up.

He also put a quote - "If a teacher today is not technologically literate - and is unwilling to make the effort to learn more - it's equivalent to a teacher 30 years ago who didn't know how to read and write." I think that is very true. It may seem exaggerated but it is true. The future is now and computers are taking over and technology is being extremely updated so the teacher must stay updated as well. New tools and programs are being made so I find myself as a teacher probably will have to take new courses as my career goes on.

Monday, September 8, 2008

International Blogs

"myEUROPE is a Web-based project which aims to help teachers raise their pupils' awareness of what it means to be a young citizen in Europe. By involving a network of more than 8000 schools, the diversity of Europe is brought into the classroom via the Internet, since the path to living together in Europe starts at school." This is basically a place to go to for teachers to organize information in Europe.

University of Toronto Law School Faculty Blog , this is just a blog place that a teacher post about information concernig the school and events happening

Monday, September 1, 2008

Did You KNow

It was interesting video at times, then again it would get a little boring but for the most part it was knowledgeable. The video showed how fast the world is growing and our future. It had facts just going on everyday and stats of numbers showing what is going on in this huge place we call earth.
The video had an interesting quote by Einstein and it was so true. Also told how ten years ago alot of college degrees did not exist but we are having new problems and getting smarter to solve them. Overall cool little video, more of a powerpoint to me