Thursday, September 11, 2008

technology illiterate

I agree of most of what he says. It is true that it will be difficult for students of the future that they must have a basic understanding of technology and how to use it. Students who do not will fall behind just like a subject of math or reading. We the teachers must have a complete understanding in what we are teaching so we can answer any questions or problems that may come up.

He also put a quote - "If a teacher today is not technologically literate - and is unwilling to make the effort to learn more - it's equivalent to a teacher 30 years ago who didn't know how to read and write." I think that is very true. It may seem exaggerated but it is true. The future is now and computers are taking over and technology is being extremely updated so the teacher must stay updated as well. New tools and programs are being made so I find myself as a teacher probably will have to take new courses as my career goes on.

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