Sunday, October 19, 2008

Podcasts on teaching outside classroom

The videos were cool and interesting and was hoping that some of my classes such as geology could do that but guess too much of an hassle but think other classes need to be more hands on and think thats a good way learn and actually comprehend what is going on cause you dont think youre learning but you actually are and pretty soon becomes a routine and you know exactly what to do in certain situations.

The Schoolyard one with the one that the students have a garden and work it and learn different stuff is a really cool one and would be cool to do for own classroom maybe like a little green house or something where i teach them how many seeds to count and weigh the vegetable in ounces and pounds.

The other one was cool too but already knew how different parts of the world worked and how some kids dont even get the chance to learn and how Americans take so much for granted and it is really sad and this video should show them how good they have it

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